FREE Downloads!

To celebrate Digital Scrapbook Day, we are offering FREE downloads to EVERYONE!!!  Go to and take a short survey.  That’s all….nothing more and you’ll get some awesome downloads.  If 5,000 customers take the survery….we all get another download for free! Here is what we’re giving:  CLICK HERE Can’t go wrong… need to have MDS…

WOW Wednesday

Another WOW Wednesday with a twist!   When:  Wednesday, November 30thTime: 6-8pmWhere:  my stamp studio What:  Get a jump start on those holidays cards with our Christmas Lane Simply Scrappin’ Kit…..this kit is not just for scrappin’ anymore!  With ONE HALF of this kit, you’ll make 16 cards and have leftover for plenty more! Cost:  $27.00…

Card of the Month

It’s that time of the month again…turn the page on your calendar, because November is here.  This month and next, I will offer Christmas cards.  This is your chance to get a head start.  This card was one of mine at our last Norlo event and I just love it.  I think you will too….