Movie Monday- Home to Roost
Happy Monday, my friends! Enjoy today’s movie!
Happy Monday, my friends! Enjoy today’s movie!
April Roan, you can thank a punk for pulling your name from the bucket! Congrats! I’ll drop it by or you can get it at stamp club- up to you. As for the other stuff. I promised you some more sneak peeks….so here you are:
To celebrate everyone heading back to school….we are offering a Back to “Spool” special for the month of September!You’ll get a FREE spool of 3/8 stitched satin ribbon in any of our new in colors, for each $40.00 purchase!I do love my ribbon!!!
Hello friends! We are back from Thailand and man, is the time change kicking my hiney! I promise to get some pics up for you so you can see our amazing trip! In the meantime….here is movie monday! To see the original post from WOW Wednesday- CLICK HERE
I found both of these ideas on the internet and it’s proof that you should never throw anything away!! I LOVE, Love, love our baker’s twine….but mine has unraveled into a big, hot mess. Then….I found this and I thought: PERFECT! It’s one of our empty button containers! Just punch a hole in the side…
Oh my…it’s a been a frustrating week with a broken laptop and a new iphone that didn’t transfer my entire life! But, I powered through and will be working on playing catch up this week! Aidan is having his wisdom teeth out on Thursday, so I’m thinking we are in for a couple “down” days…
Good Monday Morning! Time for another movie! This is a great card…..super simple to make, but with a WOW punch! Enjoy!
Love the rooster and how you did it. Thank you for your Monday movies.
I Love Roosters and this card is so neat!
Always enjoy your videos, Love the rooster, don’t like cutting out his tail though. LOL