Incentive Trip- Day 5

Bongiorno from Roma!  A little hitch in our giddyup with meeting our guides, but it went fine after that!  We all really enjoyed visiting the Colosseum.  Our guide was just amazing.  With a strike going on, the Colosseum was fairly dead, so we didn’t have to deal with crowds and hussle/bussle.

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no lack for selfies for T and I! We took one every time we visited a new stop!


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we did a walking tour of ancient rome and then grabbed lunch

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pizza in naples is thick and chewy crust, pizza in rome was thin and crispy…i loved them both.


Next stop was the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basillica….so the crowds that weren’t at the colosseum…..yeah, they were here.  it was a very quick and stressful visit!

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thanks to Maneuela….our FANTASTIC guide!  If you are ever in Rome, be sure to hire her!

It was an amazing day…back on the ship for dinner and some rest and off to Florence!

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looks like someone visited while we were at dinner!

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