Movie Monday
Hello my friends, it’s time for Movie Monday! Enjoy!
Hello my friends, it’s time for Movie Monday! Enjoy!
I am so in love with this set. I think it’s the butterfly…add some glitter to his wings and it’s just purdy! This is our Strength and Hope Digital Download. Proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The projects with this “set” are limitless! Download your copy today for only $9.95!
This set was not on my radar early in the catalog ….I just wasn’t sure about those horns. But, given time and lots of beautiful samples on the internet, well, I bought it and never looked back! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Stampin’
It’s coming, it’s coming and I can’t wait!!!! I have the first kit, but I’m going to get another one and I just love it! Everything you need to create 4 cards…within seconds, no kidding!!!! Check it out: All this will come straight to your door, if you wish to get this kit sooner…
I became aware of the fact that some folks are having trouble commenting on my blog. I think I have resolved this issue. But, then again, I’m kind of a computer idiot, so my “resolving” is just pushing random buttons until I like what I see. Due to the glitch, I’m extending my blog candy…
Thanks to you, my amazing customers and friends, I earned an award for my annual sales and once again, will be taking my dairy farmer on a FREE trip to San Diego, California in September. I have been blessed over the past 11 years…..and am so grateful to every one of you!As a thank you…..between…
this is a really eye catching colorful card. thanks.
Thank you so much!