It’s not often we get a peek at upcoming Pumpkins, so when we do….I will share!  I have seen May’s kit in person and I really like it!  IT”S CARDS!!!!  I know we all love when our kit is cards!

What is Paper Pumpkin, you ask?  Why, it’s a box of crafty goodness that shows up at your door each month!  How fun is it to open your mailbox and see that gorgeous box waiting for ya?  Everything is included…pre designed, pre cut, ready to stamp and assemble!  It also comes with a stamp spot ink pad and an exclusive stamp set each month!  No one but Pumpkin peeps gets that set!!!


You have until May 10th to sign up to receive this kit!  Now, not only is this kit very cool, but I do have a personal reason for promoting it!  I am working very hard to earn the next incentive trip.  For the next 2 quarters, I am able to earn trip points based on my Paper Pumpkin sales….so…..if you’ve been thinking about giving it a try, now is the time!  Just contact me and I can sign you up!  If you are already a subscriber, you are helping me out already!

Our next incentive trip is……


Can you believe that?  My daughter is already chomping at the bit to join me…….

For pricing on Paper Pumpkin:  CLICK HERE

We are able to offer pre-paid subscriptions which allow you to sample without committing!   And did you know….you may GIFT Paper Pumpkin to a friend or family member?  You sure can, I know how!

Thanks for considering…if you have ANY questions about Paper Pumpkin, let me know!

Happy Stampin’



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