Movie Monday
Good Monday Morning! Time for another movie! This is a great card…..super simple to make, but with a WOW punch! Enjoy!
Good Monday Morning! Time for another movie! This is a great card…..super simple to make, but with a WOW punch! Enjoy!
I had some very special guests over to my studio just before the holidays. These ladies received special invitations as part of my 500 club. This club is for all my hostesses who have held parties over $500 in sales during 2015. They were each allowed to bring a guest and join me for dessert…yes, I…
I am back from Thailand and slowly getting back to work! Enjoy Movie Monday! This was part of wow wednesday- to see the original post CLICK HERE
Hello friends! I have a significant announcement to make today….. After a lot of thought and soul searching…I have decided that I am going to quit blogging. It has become another thing on my already full “to do” list, I’m having trouble staying consistent. Blogging is a lot of work and feel I can spend…
I know it’s not Monday, but the retiring list came out yesterday and kinda over shadowed my little movie! You can find info about the retirement list below! Here is the pop and twist card from WOW Class- to see that post CLICK HERE Well, it’s that time of year! A new catalog is…
Oh my…it’s a been a frustrating week with a broken laptop and a new iphone that didn’t transfer my entire life! But, I powered through and will be working on playing catch up this week! Aidan is having his wisdom teeth out on Thursday, so I’m thinking we are in for a couple “down” days…
I issued a challenge to my team this year….similar to the one I issued for my customers! I held my VIP Saleabration Celebration for them last week. Eight members of my team earned it and 2 were new recruits that were able to attend with their upline. We had lots of fun! Ice cream sundaes,…
you made this seem so simple and easy to do.. thanks
I love this card! The hint of black peaking around the edge is perfect with the pink.