Back from Blizzard 2k16

Hello friends!  Today, I am working on getting my office back!  In prep for the blizzard, we cleared the tables and chairs out of my stamp room so we could turn it into Hotel Brechbill!   We planned on having our employees sleep over all weekend so we could keep our dairy farm running!

IMG_5135This is my office before…..cleared out and ready to go!


Rows of beds, all ready for our tired milking crew!  I wasn’t able to stamp over the weekend, but it was more important to keep the cows and my Dairy Farmer happy!


Glad they stayed here, it was way to dangerous to have them out on the roads!  Most of you were home as well, I could tell by everyone who played SNOW PATROL on my facebook page!  Many of you won prizes!  If you haven’t “liked’ my page….Jody Brechbill-Stampin’ Queen, go do that now, I share lots of info and a prize patrol here and there!


Sunday morning was an entirely different story!  The sun shone upon us and we were happy to have weathered the storm!

Now, I’m working on virtual valentines, WOW Wednesday and getting my office cleaned and put back together!

Happy Stampin’ Everyone!

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