Mini Stamp a Stack is Back! January 2016
I am so happy to be bringing back mini stamp a stacks…and sounds like you are excited too! This class meets on the third Thursday of each month at 10am and 6pm. We create 6 cards…a mini stack! Perfect to add to your stockpile! Before I show what we made: a congratulations to Liz Stillman! She won my set of notecards from Movie Monday! Way to go, Liz! Contact me to claim your prize!
Here is what we created:
This card was from my upline’s set sampler day! I thought it was a perfect stamp a stack card…quick and cute!
Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog
Fun cards! Good day today for me to go play.
Hi Jody, Wow! I won! Thank you so much. I don’t have live mail so I am not sure how to contact you. My email is Thank you again.