Going Global
This very cute mini treat bag would be perfect for your man for valentines day! A card, some candy, gift certificate or even a handmade coupon fit perfectly!
This very cute mini treat bag would be perfect for your man for valentines day! A card, some candy, gift certificate or even a handmade coupon fit perfectly!
The second installment of our gorgeous cards created at our birthday bash: Created by Jill S Created by Renee L Another beauty by Renee L By Becky L From Debi C This cutie is by Kay F Thank you for visiting! If you attended our event…thank you very…
I held my annual new catalog kickoff event in my stamp studio last weekend. I held a Friday evening session as well as a Saturday morning session so we could fit everyone in! We had snacks, three make n takes using NEW product and then we played some stampin bingo! I think everyone had a…
Good Monday Morning! Time for another movie! This is a great card…..super simple to make, but with a WOW punch! Enjoy!
Wow…missing a laptop for a few days and then loosing the internet really gets one behind, doesn’t it? Playing catch up on this snow day! Just Cards is a great class…it’s geared for beginners with very quick and easy cards, but everyone loves it for that reason- quick and easy! It’s the first Tuesday of…
I have a son and he has a “flip the calendar” birthday. It gets me every year for the past 15 years…..we’re cruising along through January just fine and then…..you flip the calendar page and BOOM! Oh man, today is Jr’s birthday! GAH!!!! You would think I’d plan better, but a “1st” birthday really sneaks…
I had some very special guests over to my studio just before the holidays. These ladies received special invitations as part of my 500 club. This club is for all my hostesses who have held parties over $500 in sales during 2015. They were each allowed to bring a guest and join me for dessert…yes, I…
Nice! Like the stamp and colors