Treasure Hunt Winners


Way back in August, I entered the Late Night Stampers blog hop Treasure Hunt.  Lots of folks participated for a chance to win a prize!  The winner of the shopping spree was Lisa Eisner!!!
She had a won a prize package totaling $117 and it’s on its way to her!  She also just signed up as a demonstrator about a  week ago!  Way to go Lisa (she’s not in my group…but to my customers who played along…hope you enjoyed it!)

Now, I was offering an Undefined kit to a winner on my blog and 21 of you left me a comment and had a chance in the drawing!  The winner is:  Christy Q!  Congrats Christy….you’ll have to share what you create with your new Undefined kit!

Thanks again to all who played!  Hope to do it again next year!

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One Comment

  1. Wow, thanks so much for picking me! I have never carved stamps before so this will be exciting!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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