Feeling generous

I spent a lovely weekend at the Tree of Peace lodge at Camp Eder.  I worked feverishly on my Christmas cards and still am not done, but I had a lovely time with my stampers and scrappers.   I am in the Christmas spirit, so here is a down and dirty little gift bag.  No stamping….just uses Mr. Big and our small cello bags.   Perfect for that “little something” gift you always need.

Awesome, right?  It’s sooooo much prettier in person, with the silver glimmer paper, the antique brad and our gorgeous organza ribbon.   And of course, Candy Kane Kisses….yum!
And since I’m still in the spirit….time for some blog candy.    Since so many of us make holiday goodies as gifts, how about if I give this away?
All you need to do is tell me how many Christmas cards you’re sending this year.  Hand stamped or otherwise.   Leave comments here, on facebook or even email me.  I’ll pick a winner on Wednesday morning (Dec 7) 

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  1. I am sending out 35 cards. Im upset that people dont send cards like they used to. Last year i sent more than i got but that doesnt discourage me. I still send them out.

    Teresa wolfe

  2. I am sending out 30+,some will be hand made too! I am planning to work on the cards this week along with some handmade gift tags to boot!! Lesley~in IL

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