
After seeing the Last Chance list yesterday, I went through my stamp room and started getting ready.  I pulled out all my sets that will be leaving at the end of the month.  Oh dear.

This is just my sets…..no accessories.   Whew!  Yardsale is looking good for this year. 

Next, I went through my sample basket and pulled out my retiring set samplers.  Oh dear.

Guess I have some work to do!  I need to get displays ready for our Norlo event.

And I guess I have some shopping to do!  Old Mother Hubbard’s cupboards are bare!

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  1. I didn’t go through mine yet. I sure hope I have a few left. Now I am curious!! 😉 Sorry if I missed it but did you give the actual date yet of the yard sale?

  2. I have it tentatively scheduled for Saturday August 20th and Sunday August 21st. Sat is 9am-noon and Sunday will be from 6-9pm. This is all depending on my vacation plans…which are up in the air right now.

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