Anniversaries- a retrospective

I have some special people in my life who just happen to be celebrating their anniversaries this month. 

I want to say a VERY Happy Anniversay to:

My BBF and her hubby (today!)  I know this, cuz I was there.  I think we were, like 12 or something.  It was 1996….the year of the wedding.  Not only were the Dairy Farmer and I set to join together in holy matrimony, but I think darn near every one of our friends, cousins, neighbors and walmart greeters were doing the same and we were invited.  It was a whole bunch of fun….and fairly expensive.  

My sister and her man are celebrating the anniverary of their marriage on the 24th.  I think it’s 6 years?  I can’t remember without looking at my T-shirt.  It was a very small, intimate wedding in a restaurant in Jersey.  They wrote their own vows and I cried…..very discretely….cuz I don’t like to show emotion.  But,  when City Boy said he never imagined being married to a girl who had racoons and sheep as pets… just got me.   Actually- they had their first date on 9.11.01—-so even though it was a pretty horrific day for our country, I got a pretty cool brother in law from the whole deal.  And……he has the cutest damn baby ever invented… he’s got that going for him.   

It just so happens that another set of “besties” has their 20th coming up on September 29th.   The Dairy Farmer and I have been  very blessed to have these folks in our lives.   It took a while to become inner circle….homegirl likes to keep people at arm’s distance to make sure they are worth her time.  Well….I think we’ve won her over.   They are our boating friends, camping friends, fishing friends, lunching friends, vacationing friends and never once have they said they wouldn’t take care of our whole zoo of animals when we want to go away.  Even if it means going on a wild chicken hunt when one of our ladies went missing.    Hopefully, we’ll be able to celebrate with them on vacation in October?  

So- a very Happy Anniversary to some very special people in my life.   I love you people…..and I don’t care who knows it!

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