January Ribbon Club

Hard to believe, but December is darn near gone!  It’s time to sign up for January Ribbon Club.  This month it’s only $12.00 per share and you’ll receive 2 yards of every new In Color Ruffled Ribbon!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this ribbon and it’s just in time to start thinking spring!  (I know it’s…

My Christmas Cards

I started working on my cards at our winter retreat at Camp Eder the first weekend of December  I was rockin’ and rollin’ and knocked out a good many.  As of yesterday- they were all in the mail.  I sent them out in shifts- mainly because I had to keep buying stamps! I make many…

500 Club

Every year, in December, I host  my 500 club.  It’s an exclusive club…only hostesses who have had a $500 (or more) workshop over the year get to come.  It’s invitation only….I hire a bouncer.  So, if you try to crash- you get the boot.  I’m kidding, I’m kidding!  I like to pamper them and thank them…

Gift Idea

I know I gave up on the 12 weeks of Christmas….but I did promise to pass on cool stuff as I came across it.So, here is what I made this weekend:  a very cool card holder.  Should hold a bunch of cards (great gift idea) and soooo easy to make.  I totally copied it from…

Clearance Rack Blitz! Starts Today!!!!

Dates: December 15, 2011-January 5, 2012 Details:Nearly 200 new Clearance Rack items are being added to the Online Store at discounts up to 80 percent off retail–while supplies last!Things to Remember Only demonstrator and online orders qualify for this promotion. Orders can include non-Clearance Rack items, as well. The Clearance Rack Blitz includes old-body style…