Weekly Deals
This week’s deals are valid through Monday, February 22, 2016. To purchase, simply contact me at jodybrechbill322@gmail.com OR log on to my online store at www.jodybrechbill.stampinup.net
This week’s deals are valid through Monday, February 22, 2016. To purchase, simply contact me at jodybrechbill322@gmail.com OR log on to my online store at www.jodybrechbill.stampinup.net
Hello friends! Yesterday, we had to say goodbye to Sky is the Limit, Hello and Perfectly Artistic designer paper. <heavy sigh>….I loved that little airplane set! But, I have it and will be using it. So great for those “masculine” cards we struggle with! On the upside….NEW items arrived today! Of course, I had to…
Happy Monday, friends! It’s cold and snowy and maybe icy here today….a “stay in your pj’s” kinda day! Enjoy a little movie on your snow day! Thanks for stopping by!
A new year, a new stamp club! I do have one opening in my club, if you like to stamp on a budget, this club is for you! Each month, we meet and create 3 projects for FREE, you simply place your monthly order. One of the month’s is YOUR month and you receive host…
Wow…missing a laptop for a few days and then loosing the internet really gets one behind, doesn’t it? Playing catch up on this snow day! Just Cards is a great class…it’s geared for beginners with very quick and easy cards, but everyone loves it for that reason- quick and easy! It’s the first Tuesday of…