Movie Monday Color and Contour
Yes friends! Our new 2021-2022 Annual Catalog is available now! I have been having a blast playing with new goodies!
If you are in need of a copy, please let me know!!
Check out today’s movie here:
Yes friends! Our new 2021-2022 Annual Catalog is available now! I have been having a blast playing with new goodies!
If you are in need of a copy, please let me know!!
Check out today’s movie here:
As always- when we transition between mini catalogs, there are always a few items that carryover. Many of them belong with Mr. Big. To see what items are still available, click HERE
Happy Movie Monday, friends! check out our new November Promo…..available until November 30th, or while supplies last!
Hey all, no WOW class this week (9/25) due to Taryn’s tennis schedule. She has a game on Wednesday. Thanks for understanding!
I became aware of the fact that some folks are having trouble commenting on my blog. I think I have resolved this issue. But, then again, I’m kind of a computer idiot, so my “resolving” is just pushing random buttons until I like what I see. Due to the glitch, I’m extending my blog candy…
Another Monday…another movie and you’ll love this one! Here is the original WOW post- Click Here
While supplies last, we are offering an incredible sale on some of our retired Designer Fabric! Only 99 cents!!! Yes…that’s right….99cents! You receive 3 extra-wide fat quarters (27″x18″) in 3 coordinated designs. I have no idea what a fat quarter is, but you crafty craftersons probably do! All I know is….99 cents is awesome! And…