Movie Monday and FREE SHIPPING!!!

The sale runs for 24 hours only on December 11th!
Contact me if you’re local and I’ll place your order for you (
Or simply shop online at and use CODE: HG4AXPPT at checkout! Your order will ship right to you door and shipping is FREE!!!!
Make sure you check out the Clearance Rack and our Year End Closeouts for lots of good deals! We have many items from our holiday catalog leaving us on January 2nd, so check on those two- grab them while we have- FREE SHIPPING!!! (orders over $50)
Did I mention FREE SHIPPING??? Only on December 11th and your order must be $50 or more. PLUS…..I am offering Double December, so you’ll receive TWO punches on your reward card for each $35 prior to shipping and tax!
Now….let’s move on to Movie Monday!
Here is what we created last week at WOW class!