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Movie Monday- Glitter Glass
Happy Monday, my friends! Enjoy this special movie…then go make one! You’ll love it!
Just Cards Class- July
Another class that was shifted due to my vacation! As you read this, my husband and I will be on our way to Thailand! I still can’t believe it! Due to this trip, there will NOT be a movie monday this week, I’ll catch up when we return! Here is what we created at Just…
Saleabration Countdown- THREE Days!!!
Only three more sleeps until we Saleabrate!!! And speaking of three….we have THREE ways you can benefit during this great sale! You’ll receive FREE products of your choice with each $50 and/or $100 purchase during Saleabration!!! Want to earn even more for free? Consider hosting your own private class or book party!!! You’ll receive…
Movie Monday is back!!!
Whew…it’s been awhile! But, I’m back and so is Movie Monday! Enjoy!! To see the original blog post for this card: CLICK HERE
Christmas Card Club- September
It’s back! This has been a very popular club over the past couple years….and I’m happy to be bringing it back. We meet the end of each month and create 12 cards! Our next meeting will be on October 24th at 10am and 6pm and October 25th at 6pm. If you can join us, please…
Movie Monday- all about kits!
I love our kits! They take the “work” out of stamping….everything is prepped and ready to go! Check out our upcoming kits! They can be yours on January 3rd!!!