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Movie Monday
This was one of the cards we created at WOW Wednesday. This is a direct case from Brian King. I loved the color combo and the hydrangea is 3-D and really pops off the card! Enjoy!!
Movie Monday
Happy Movie Monday, friends!
Thoughtful Branches
I am super excited to announce that Thoughtful Branches is going to hang around a bit longer! We have excess inventory, so YAY!!! Get yours now! It is a wonderful bundle, I’m using it all…the…time!!! Here is a very quick card…paper, ink and a smidge of thread! Thanks for dropping by! Make sure to check…
Stamp Club- August
It’s the end of summer and we are starting our new fall/winter stamp club! Club members meet once a month to make FREE projects – in turn- they place a monthly order and take turns being the hostess! This month, we focused on our special set- Thoughtful Branches! All cards were created using this set…
Thoughtful Branches
As if you haven’t had enough for me talking up this set….but, yeah…I’m going to continue right through the end of august! Here is a cute sample that I lifted from Pinterest! Thanks for dropping in! I hope you enjoyed today’s card….and I hope you put this stamp set on your wish list! It’s only…
Thoughtful Branches
Movie Monday is still uploading…so here is a little bit of Thoughtful Branches while we wait! This bundle is available during the month of August and I just LOVE it!!! So many things you can do with it….and I am in love with the font. I know, I know…I’ve said that before, but tis true!…