Movie Monday
Happy Independance Day, my friends!
Enjoy today’s movie!
Happy Independance Day, my friends!
Enjoy today’s movie!
Happy Monday!!! Let’s start off our week with a fun movie! To see the class this card originated from, CLICK HERE Happy Stampin’
Hello friends! WOW class…was…well…totally WOW! Projects were fun, but not for the faint hearted! Here is what we created: This shadow box has been on my list to create for sometime! This is copy from Jan Brown (I think), she’s a UK demo. Look for a Movie Monday on this project. Here is a video…
This little treat is just too cute…..check out my how to video!
Oh my…it’s a been a frustrating week with a broken laptop and a new iphone that didn’t transfer my entire life! But, I powered through and will be working on playing catch up this week! Aidan is having his wisdom teeth out on Thursday, so I’m thinking we are in for a couple “down” days…
This is a good one!!! Thanks to my friend, Carol Barr and stampwithamore for the idea. To see the full WOW Wednesday blog post: CLICK HERE
Happy Movie Monday….on Tuesday! This took awhile to upload, so here ya go! To see the original WOW post- CLICK HERE