Paper Pumpkin is goin’ Pink!
Breast Cancer……show of hands….who has been affected by this disease? You? Your mom? Your sister? Your grandma? Your cousin? Your best friend? I could go on…..yes, we’ve all be affected. I will be holding a Stamp Out Breast Cancer event in October, stay tuned for more info, but in the meantime….Paper Pumpkin is on board!
Paper Pumkin will arrive to your mailbox in a sporty new PINK box in October! Can’t wait to see that! PLUS…we are donating $1.00 for every active Paper Pumpkin subscriber to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. If you are not a subscriber, well…..jump in, the water’s fine! If you sign up before October 10th, we’ll donate $2.00 for you! It’s a win/win!
I’m always happy to help out a great cause!
Thanks for dropping by!