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Paper Pumpkin…..your carriage awaits…..
Welcome to our newest addition…..Paper Pumpkin! It’s our new, monthly subscription kit designed specifically for those of you who enjoy crafting….but just don’t have the time….or supplies! And, let’s face it, those of you who do have all the supplies….are gonna love it too!So, how does this work? It’s super easy starting today, you may…
Digital Download
I am so in love with this set. I think it’s the butterfly…add some glitter to his wings and it’s just purdy! This is our Strength and Hope Digital Download. Proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The projects with this “set” are limitless! Download your copy today for only $9.95!
Raffle Basket Winner
Hey folks,I am recovering from our big Norlo event…if you attended yesterday, thanks so much for coming! I think it was a success! And, I’m frantically trying to get things put away in my new refrigerator (we’ve been without for quite a few days) and clean my house up (both vacuum cleaners were broken for…
You Did It!
If you went to my digital studio and filled out the customer survey….Thanks a Million! Or perhaps, I should say….Thanks Five Thousand! Everyone earned another download for free! Don’t forget to download yours asap! JUST CLICK HERE!
Sneaky Peeky Day
Good Day Stampers!Today is a fun day for us demos….it’s sneak peek day! We get to see the new in colors, a few hostess sets, a few new stamps and accessories and we get to BUY them….or in some cases, earn them for free (which is me….and it’s all thanks to YOU!) So, I can’t…
A HUGE shoutout!
It happened…..even after all the chloroxing and lysoling and wiping and cleaning on Monday after Taryn was sick with the stomach flu…..I got it. Of course, I had a HUGE workshop scheduled Tues pm for my bestie. Last week, she kept emailing with her head count….17 then 19 then 21 then 23! AWESOME!!! I wasn’t…