Good Greetings for FREE!
Many of you received a sneak preview of our new set, Good Greetings, at WOW class yesterday! Well…now is your chance to get your very own set for FREE!
You may have noticed that we didn’t have any hostess sets in our new Holiday Catalog. The reason is because of this special! From now through October 31st, you can earn Good Greetings for free with your $300 party!
Consider hosting your own private party with friends/family, have a book party and collect outside orders, order yourself and stamp club hostesses…perfect time for you Sept/Oct girls, you can collect outside orders are this set will be yours!
Click on picture for full color picture and details:
This set will cover you from Halloween through Valentine’s Day and everything in between! It’s a must have!
Contact me to earn yours today!
Happy Stampin