My Paper Pumpkin Special Offer
I’ve been lurking on the web trying to glean as much info from those at Leadership as I can! Low and behold a My Paper Pumpkin special was announced! YAY!!! I’ve heard that they are going to boost up the kits a bit while still keeping the same price, which I think we are all excited about!
And, of course, we are offering a sign up special for new customers! Which I am REALLY excited about! I get my subscription each month and I just love seeing that red box show up at my door! It is very simple….and geared for those who don’t have many supplies. Everything you need is in the box: stamps/ink spots/ instructions and all supplies…cut, scored and pre sticky if need be. But….for those of us with “stuff,” it’s super easy to take it up a notch! I have found that I enjoy the simplicity. The November one for example….4 Christmas cards done in minutes! Love that!
So, here’s the deal!
Sign up January 11- February 10th and receive a FREE set of In Color Markers with your first kit…that’s a $14.95 value right there! Your first kit is a Welcome kit and is shown in the picture. It will include your clear block that you’ll use with each kit. Then you’ll jump in and get the same kit that all subscribers are getting in February. The cost is $19.95 per month and includes shipping! Not too shabby! And there is ZERO commitment….you can put your subscription on hold or cancel at anytime! (oh..the markers are 2012/2014…gumball green, summer starfruit, raspberry ripple, primrose petals and midnight muse)
Now….there is a special offer for me too!
If I sign up TWO new subscribers between January 11th thru January 25th….I get a FREE goodie bag valued at $100!!!! (it will be retired goodies, but I’ve gotten one before and WOW…they are full of awesome stuff!!) If I sign up SEVEN new folks between January 11th thru January 25th, I get a FREE goodie bag valued at $500!!!! You know what that means, right? I’m sharing the love with all my new subscribers!!!! I don’t know what’s in the goodie bag….but I guarantee you’ll get to pick out some awesome stuff when you join me!
If you’re ready to take the plunge and get some free stuff….contact me today or go directly to My Paper Pumpkin page and sign up….it’s really easy, but you MUST MUST MUST choose me as your demonstrator! Here is my personal link:
If you have any questions, let me know….
Happy Stampin’