WOW Wednesday- April
If you didn’t make it to Wow Wednesday….sorry about your luck… is what ya missed! Hope to see you in May when we make the Accordion Scrapbook!
If you didn’t make it to Wow Wednesday….sorry about your luck… is what ya missed! Hope to see you in May when we make the Accordion Scrapbook!
Wow, my wow is a bit behind. I had my first wow in a long time and it was like….totally wow. I promised pictures, so here ya go: This is a technique called Faux Silk and is very easy to do: stamp set: Awash with Flower, Punch Pals, Teahouse background stampink: so saffron, wild wasabi,…
Wow Wednesday was this week and it was so popular, it had a baby and we called it Terrific Tuesday! We had a great time creating this super cool projects.First we made this card: it uses the Fresh Vintage (remember….it’s a freebie) and an interesting color combo: Pool Party and Cherry Cobbler. I like it….
Happy Monday, my friends!!! Here is a super cute treat/gift card holder….just in time for your holidays!
Yes, I am that far behind…..totally forgot to post our amazing owl home décor! This was definitely a testament to patience, but once they got the hang of it, they were moving along pretty quickly! Here is our finished product: Super cute….and totally stolen! I used a combo of my downline, Shay, someone from…
wowThis was my WOW for July and ….well…it’s wow! Such a quick, cute and easy project. They would make great Christmas gifts (wink, wink) For the ladies who ordered “to go” kits: here are the pictures of what yours should look like. All you need to do is add your pictures and do some journaling! …
Happy Movie Monday….on Tuesday! This took awhile to upload, so here ya go! To see the original WOW post- CLICK HERE