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WOW Wednesday- June
WOW Wednesday is always fun. I enjoy deciding what to make and I am always thankful when my friends don’t hurt me when I make them cut out FOUR pine trees from Lovely as a Tree! We used the candle as the basket handles! Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog This…
Movie Monday- Card on a Bag
Hello friends, sorry I’m a bit behind, I ran into some internet issues yesterday….so Happy Movie Tuesday! To see the full WOW class- CLICK HERE
Movie Monday- Graceful Garden
Happy Movie Monday! This was a WOW project in August….to see the original post, CLICK HERE
Movie Monday
Hello friends! We are back from Thailand and man, is the time change kicking my hiney! I promise to get some pics up for you so you can see our amazing trip! In the meantime….here is movie monday! To see the original post from WOW Wednesday- CLICK HERE
WOW Wednesday- March
WOW was so fun this month! I loved creating these projects! I will be offering Movie Monday based on these projects! This card has a video tutorial: CLICK HERE Birthday Slider card courtesy of Dawn Griffith……check out my video version: CLICK HERE Faux Tile card courtesy of my friend, Michelle Suit! Saw…
WOW Wednesday- October
Yes, I am that far behind…..totally forgot to post our amazing owl home décor! This was definitely a testament to patience, but once they got the hang of it, they were moving along pretty quickly! Here is our finished product: Super cute….and totally stolen! I used a combo of my downline, Shay, someone from…