Happy Day of Silence

I know for most of you, school started on Monday.  I have one at CASHS this year and one still at Montessori….which started today. 

So, happy day of silence to me.  The only thing I hear right now is a load of wash and the quiet hum of my laptop.  I love it….I hate it.  

I joke that I have to bribe the teachers who have Aidan.  It’s a joke….he’s a lot of fun to be around, but he can get off topic fairly easily.  His teacher has had him for 3 years, so she knows what you get, when you have Aidan in your classroom.  She’s also crafty….so I was creating last week so she would have a nice gift on the first day.

Here is what they are getting:

I also told Taryn, who started at the high school this year that I had made one for all her teachers as well.  She was NOT amused.  I didn’t really….I mean, can you imagine the horror if she had to give a little back pack full of kisses and a rolo pencil to each of her teachers?   But, Aidan…well, he wrote little notes and put them in the pocket and was happy to waltz into school and had them out.    Thank goodness for Pinterest….chock full of cool ideas.

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