Do you miss me?
Day 7 without internet…..hang tight people, I’ll be back soon!
Here’s something to tide you over while you wait……MORE DOILIES!!!!
Day 7 without internet…..hang tight people, I’ll be back soon!
Here’s something to tide you over while you wait……MORE DOILIES!!!!
That’s right….today is THE day! Our beautiful new catalog is going live…..and we can still order from the old catalog until June 3rd, so we have that going for us. To celebrate, we are offering a cool new special on some of our favorite greetings sets: I am placing an order this evening, so…
Hello Stampin’ Friends! I love this time of year and our Gilded Autumn Suite is just perfect for those fall/thanksgiving cards! Enjoy today’s video!
You asked, and we listened! We’re excited to introduce our new, very manly stamping kit: the Dude, You’re Welcome! kit.Guys don’t always have the easiest time expressing themselves, but with the Dude, You’re Welcome! kit, they’ll have Four wood-mount stamps (double-mounted) with the perfect sentiment for every occasion Twelve 4″ x 6″ postcards in…
You are welcome to order online ANYTIME between now and November 30th to take advantage of the Online Spectacular…..but to receive extra savings and benefits, shop with me on Black Friday! An email is all it takes to earn you free goodies! BLACK FRIDAY VIRTUAL SHOPPING TRIP! Why fight all the traffic, crowds and rude…
Hi Stampers,I apologize for having been out of the loop for a bit, but I had some health issues recently and was in the hospital for awhile. Thanks to so many of you who prayed for me and my family, sent cards and hung in there while my husband “ran” my business for a few…
So, I’m chillin’ in my stamp room, trying to get some samplers ready of all these fun, new goods I have hanging around, and, for the first time, I got to really play with the new ink pads. Let me just say: YES!!!! They are awesome! They give such great coverage, you are gonna just…