Mini Stamp a Stack
Upsy Daisy |
Eastern Blooms |
I held my monthly mini stamp a stack last night……if you couldn’t make it, here is what you missed. I know…you wanna cry, don’t you? Maybe you can make it next time?
Medallion |
Hello my stampers! I am back! It’s been a long dry spell without a computer and phone issues to boot! Hang in there with me as I catch up on blog posts! Junior is having wisdom teeth surgery on Thursday, so that should be a good day to chill and do computer work…no running him…
Whew Wee…..I am way behind! I’ve been cranking out the projects, but haven’t found the time to post them!!! Here we go: I held my monthly stamp a stack in June and here are the 3 projects we made. I won’t be having one in July due to my vacation, but you can catch it…
Here is what we made at mini stamp a stack this month. This is a fun class..I have 3 card samples and you create 2 of every card. This class is held on the third Thursday of each month at 10am and 6pm. Hope to see you in September! I received this card from my…
Mini Stamp a stack samples for this month! Normally, we meet the 3rd Thursday, but I’ll be switching my schedule all over the place since it’s lacrosse season! Don’t forget…if you are getting this blog post emailed to you, the “recipe” does not come through! I’d encourage you to get in the habit of clicking…
Wouldn’t you love to have one of a kind, hand stamped cards- on hand all the time….all you have to do is sign ’em and send ’em! Then mini stamp a stack is just what you need! Once a month- you come to my studio and create 3 different cards, you make 2 of each…
Here are the cards we created during mini stamp a stack this month. All ideas came from pinterest (what would I do without Pinterest?) Mini stamp a stack is normally held the 3rd Thursday of the month. We have 3 cards samples and make 2 of each card. This class even includes envelopes…maybe you’ll join…